To save an alert, a free account is required. If you don’t have one, you can follow the tutorial “How to Register for a Free Account” to create one. Once you have an account, you can start saving alerts.
Clients can save alerts on consultants from the list of consultants, but it’s recommended that they post their requests to ensure they reach the right people. Requests can be posted from the dashboard by clicking on “Post a New Request.“
Consultants and firms, on the other hand, must save at least one alert on requests from the list of requests.
Each list has a left sidebar where various filters can be applied. At the bottom of this sidebar, you can name your alert and save it. You can save as many alerts as you need. And that’s it! From this point on, the process is automatic.
By default, for consultants and firms, an alert is automatically applied on requests with no filters, except for the last 24 hours. This alert helps you start receiving requests.
However, it is required to save at least one more accurate alert to delete this default alert. If all your alerts are deleted, the default alert will be applied again.
By default, for consultants and firms, an alert is automatically applied on requests with no filters, except for the last 24 hours. This alert helps you start receiving requests.
However, it is required to save at least one more accurate alert to delete this default alert. If all your alerts are deleted, the default alert will be applied again.